Wednesday, November 30, 2011

pembuat masalah yg useless

kat sini, ku plaing suka ckp psl impian, harapan, mimpi, kepercayaan..- faith. sbbny ku xleh nak ckp suma tu face-to-face dgn org. sbb org ni de mulut. de je balasanny.. sampai de 1 hari tu, bila de org yg ckp 'blaja yg penting dpt kerja, bkn sbb minat je. kerja xdpt2.' ringkas n padat je ayat tu, tp serius sakit giler hati nih.. T__T

lagi sakit sbb ku xleh nak kata apa2. sbb ku xde apa2 sbgai bukti. serrius, rasa useless giler.. sangat. wlpun ku masih nak percaya yg nak buat pape kena de minat, tp ragu2 tu de sikit. mula rasa yg mgkin ku patut dgr ckp abah je dulu - jd cikgu.

sampailah semalam. ku terdetik nak dgr lagu nih. n ye.. trima kasih ye hati sbb buat ku xputus asa dgn rahmatNya. insyaAllah ada. mgkin belum masa. Allah tahu yg terbaik. insyaAllah..

Wearing ripped jeans, and styling my hair differently

Might look weird in people’s eyes

But im going to walk on dreaming my own dream.

Though they might call me a problem child

Others might say im funny

Might ridicule me amongst themselves

But for entire world to see, im going to win.

I am a trouble,

Even the name they used to call me.

Im going to change someday

Im going to surprise the world

I am a trouble

Even if they stand in my way

I don’t want to stop

Proudly, im going to try standing on my ground

They tell us to go towards the same place

But boring things don’t even interest me

Don’t force me to live like robot

Though they might call me a rebellious child, like a fool

There’s no way im going to give in

Because im going to create a great future

The eyes looking at me through colored lenses

Not even one of them scares me

I can fly higher

The day my name shines bright

Everyone waits for it

Because that day will come

I can fly higher

With all your strength, get up and yell

Throw those worries away

From now on is the start

I can fly higher

Out loud, just once scream

Was ignored because of our age

Towards the world, we are running now.

I can fly higher

Holding onto our precious dreams

One step, one step

From now on is the start

- Troublemaker, FTIsland

1 comment:

  1. like like like this entry 100X
    inspiring btol =)
    semoga ada hikmah untuk semua ini
    ALLAH knows best ;-)

    your friend, kan?
